Stone Walls & Gate by Armourfast
Phil Parker examines some Stone Walls & Gate by Armourfastby Phil ParkerThe December issue of BRM included 'The BRM Guide to Model Buildings' where I've looked at a selection of kits in different...
View ArticleWuiske Models Queensland Rail 1550 Class - Phot...
[attachment=543647:jpg56.jpg]Thanks to Paul Martin of EDM Models I have had chance to take a close look at something different!Wuiske Models and Haskell Co have joined forces to produce a model of the...
DELUXE MATERIALS BRUSH MAGICUnless you are very scrupulous about cleaning paintbrushes after use, the chances are that there will be a gradual build-up of old paint in the bristles, especially close to...
View ArticleModelRailwayScenery - Low Relief 1930s Factory
LOW RELIEF 1930S FACTORYDownloadable model building kits have become very popular over the last few years with several firms setting up to produce them. They tend to occupy a level of complexity beyond...
HELMSMAN FLASHING BEACON KITAmongst several new items available from Helmsman Model Rail is a useful flashing beacon kit, suitable for locomotives, unpowered rolling stock and many other applications...
View ArticleFTG Models SPA wagon
FTG Models SPA wagonBen Jones assesses the first wagon from a new supplier - FTG Models. With all the fuss around new manufacturers coming into the market in recent months, it
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